Arthritis In Dogs: Signs, Symptoms, And Treatments

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Dogs bring us happiness, comfort, and joy, and are an integral part of our families. Just like humans as they get older, they can be more likely to develop age-related and chronic health conditions. One of these degenerative conditions is arthritis. While canine arthritis can develop in all breeds, it is more common in large-breed dogs. Furthermore, dogs who are overweight may also be more susceptible to arthritis. Here are some signs and symptoms of canine arthritis and some treatment options a veterinarian may recommend.

Symptoms of Arthritis In Dogs

It can be difficult to determine if your dog has arthritis because it may not exhibit outward signs or symptoms. If, however, you notice any limping when your dog walks, if it has trouble going up and down stairs, or cries out in pain when touched, canine arthritis may be present.

Other symptoms may include licking their legs and paws, not wanting to move, sleepiness, lethargy, and decreased appetite. Dogs that are in severe pain may also start biting their painful joints which can affect hair growth, leaving bald patches in the hip joint area, knees, and ankle joint areas. If your dog exhibits any of these signs or symptoms or if they appear ill, make an appointment with the veterinarian as soon as possible. While these signs and symptoms are common in dogs with arthritis, they can also be caused by other health conditions.

Treatment Options for Arthritis in Dogs

Canine osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition and there is no known cure for it. There are, however, effective treatment options that can greatly decrease your dog's symptoms and help prevent further joint damage.

Treatment options for arthritis in dogs include medications such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, also known as NSAIDs, dietary supplements such as chondroitin to help promote mobility, and corticosteroid medications. Gentle massage can also help relieve pain; however, always use gentle pressure when massaging your dog because stronger pressure can increase arthritic pain.

Effective canine treatment options help decrease joint swelling and pain, which may help your dog feel more comfortable so that they can get more exercise, which can also help improve the symptoms of arthritis in dogs. Walking can help prevent the morning stiffness that is common in canine arthritis. It can also help increase circulation and promote flexibility.

If your dog has arthritis or any other chronic illness, visit the veterinarian or pet clinic regularly for checkups. When your dog's arthritis is properly managed, it can enjoy a happier and more active lifestyle for years to come.

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About Me

Working With Your Vet In the world of pet ownership, things aren't always simple. I realized that there were some issues with my own pet ownership experience, since my animals always seemed a little less than happy. I wanted to do something better with my time, so I started working hard to make things work. I began going through and looking for a great veterinarian who could be of service, and I found the perfect practice for my animals. They were kind, caring, and incredibly careful with pets, and so I knew i was in good hands. This website is here to make your life a little less stressful if you have pets.

